The purpose of this blog is to bring you Christmas music all year long that is not often (if ever) heard on the radio. Anything, any genre, any audio source is subject to be shared. So at least if you find something you heard before, I hope you will soon find something you haven't heard at all.
The songs on this blog are posted as samples only. They are not meant to replace the enjoyment of the artist's full body of work. Please support the artists represented and purchase their CDs (when applicable...I can't do much about the online only tracks!)
If you are the copyright holder of any song represented here and wish to have them removed, please shoot me an email. I will be glad to comply ASAP and no hard feelings will be had by either party!
(Of course, I hope you are of good cheer and like spreading the Christmas message as much as me!)
Heckuva way to start Christmas morning, your Tonal Majesty!
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas!
Thanks for your time and excellent music, best wishes.
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